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Mesin Xray Memperkuat Sistem Keamanan Bandara

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Keamanan adalah hal yang paling utama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan serta menjaga lingkungan, banyak sekali tempat-tempat yang membutuhkan kemanan lebih untuk menjaga keamanan lingkungan khususnya pada lingkungan bandara di indonesia. Salah satu bandara nasional Indonesia adalah Bandara Soekarno Hatta. Bandara adalah tempat dimana penumpang trasportasi udara bermukim, dengan lingkungan yang terlihat nyaman tetapi tak pernah luput dari pengawasan petugas kemanan khusus bandara dan pihak-pihak keamanan negara.

Tidak menutup kemungkinan jika keamanan bandara terbengkalai akan menyebabkan banyak kejadian yang bersifat negatif seperti penyeludupan binatang, penyeludupan obat-obatan terlarang, penyeludupan senjata api dan banyak lagi modus tindak kriminal yang dapat terjadi di lingkungan bandara sehingga dapat menyebabkan kerugian dan tingkat kriminalitas tak terkendali, oleh sebab itu bandara menggunakan mesin pendukung dengan teknologi Xray atau biasa disebut dengan mesin Sinar-X. Mesin xray (sinar-X) berperan membantu serta memaksimalkan kinerja petugas keamanan bandara , seperti berita tentang kemanan bandara yang dikutip dari surat kabar vivanews.

Menjelang hari raya Lebaran, Bandara Soekarno Hatta, Tangerang Banten, menambah fasilitas xray untuk mengantisipasi ledakan penumpang yang menimbulkan antrean penumpang yang akan berangkat maupun tiba. Petugas memasang enam mesin xray baru di terminal satu Bandara Soekarno Hatta, untuk memperketat serta mengantisipasi antrean panjang para penumpang pesawat.

Sementara itu, Humas Angkasa Pura Dua, Sutrisno mengatakan, penambahan mesin xray untuk melakukan antispasi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Selain itu juga untuk upaya peningkatan pengamanan kawasan bandara. "Untuk meng-antisipasi barang bawaan penumpang yang membahayakan," ujar Sutrisno. Diperkirakan ribuan calon penumpang akan memadati Bandara Soekarno Hatta pada puncak arus mudik. Kenaikan penumpang terjadi sekitar 15 persen dari jumlah kenaikan pada tahun lalu yang hanya 10 persen.”

Berita tersebut merupakan bentuk peningkatan keamanan di lingkungan bandara dengan bantuan mesin Xray (sinar-X). Xray bandara sangat bermanfaat untuk membantu mengoptimalkan tingkat penjaga dan kemanan lingkungan bandara sehingga berpotensi untuk  menghentikan tindak kriminalitas dan modus-modus kejahatan lainnya di lingkungan bandara dapat tercapai.

Banyak orang yang berdatangan dan berpergian sehingga xray bandara sangat berperan penting untuk menganalisa pada pintu masuk atau keluar dari bandara agar terwujudnya keamanan bandara dapat menggunakan mesin Xray Garrett PD 6500 i, sedangkan untuk barang-barang bagasi atau sebagainya pihak bandara dapat menggunakan mesin X-Ray cargo untuk memaksimalkan kemanan dan kinerja para petugas bandara.

Sumber : http://xrayindonesia.com/article/detail/31/mesin-xray-memperkuat-sistem-keamanan-bandara

Metal Detector Mencapai Standarisasi Industri

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Metal detector apabila kita mendengar istilah ini pastinya yang tersirat oleh pikiran kita adalah sebuah alat yang biasa digunakan oleh petugas keamanan untuk mendeteksi barang bawaan pengunjung.
Biasanya alat ini digunakan oleh petugas keamanan yang bertugas digedung atau tempat tertentu, seperti Pusat Perbelanjaan (MALL, pasar swalayan, expo(pameran),dll), Gedung Perkantoran, Penginapan (hotel, apartement, dll).
“Tetapi tahukah anda?, bahwa metal detector digunakan sebagai alat pendukung untuk memenuhi standarisasi kualitas yang baik (ISO)”. Mungkin untuk sebagian orang sudah mengetahui akan hal ini, akan tetapi sangat penting informasi ini sampai bagi yang belum mengetahui akan hal ini.
Metal detector ini umumnya digunakan pada perindustrian guna memenuhi standarisasi kualitas terbaik mereka. Perindustrian yang menggunakan metal detector dengan tujuan untuk membantu meningkatkan kualitas dan memenuhi standarisasi sudah cukup banyak.
Masih banyak lagi bentuk aplikasi metal detector pada lingkungan perindustrian, mereka menggunakan alat uji ini bertujuan untuk selalu menjaga kualitas dan mutu dari kemasan sampai dengan isi dari kemasan selesai dalam proses produksinya.
Metal detector merupakan alat dengan teknologi canggih yang memiliki system sensor sebagai penyeleksi partikel-partikel yang memiliki unsur metal, logam, dan sejenisnya.
Penyeleksian dilakukan guna memastikan kualitas serta memenuhi standarisasi yang ada, dengan menghindari partikel dengan unsure metal masuk kedalam kemasan produk pada saat kegiatan industri berlangsung.
Teknologi canggih ini juga sangat membantu serta mempermudah kegiatan produksi, yaitu dengan sistemnya yang begitu efisien waktu dan alat ini salah satu solusi untuk memenuhi standarisasi yang diinginkan..
Karena metal detector ini dapat langsung meyisihkan kemasan yang tidak sesuai dengan standarisasi yang telah ditetapkan, dan atau mengandung partikel atau unsur metal pada kemasan dan objek yang sedang dilakukan pengecekan dengan menggunakan metal detector.
Bagaimana menurut anda cara pasang metal detector dengan baik? Dengan memperhatikan faktor lingkungan sekitar, apakah di sekitarnya ada ganguan medan elektromagnetik ( seperti dekat dengan inveter, atau installasi listrik yang kurang bagus, atau adanya kapasitas kabel listrik dengan kapasitas besar di sekitar metal detector). Pengecekan kondisi fisik yang sesuai atau tidak terjadi getaran/gangguan fisik. Dengan memperhatikan hal tersebut, maka metal detector bisa beroperasi optimum.

Mesin Xray Memperkuat Sistem Keamanan Bandara

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Keamanan adalah hal yang paling utama untuk memenuhi kebutuhan serta menjaga lingkungan, banyak sekali tempat-tempat yang membutuhkan kemanan lebih untuk menjaga keamanan lingkungan khususnya pada lingkungan bandara di indonesia. Salah satu bandara nasional Indonesia adalah Bandara Soekarno Hatta. Bandara adalah tempat dimana penumpang trasportasi udara bermukim, dengan lingkungan yang terlihat nyaman tetapi tak pernah luput dari pengawasan petugas kemanan khusus bandara dan pihak-pihak keamanan negara.

Tidak menutup kemungkinan jika keamanan bandara terbengkalai akan menyebabkan banyak kejadian yang bersifat negatif seperti penyeludupan binatang, penyeludupan obat-obatan terlarang, penyeludupan senjata api dan banyak lagi modus tindak kriminal yang dapat terjadi di lingkungan bandara sehingga dapat menyebabkan kerugian dan tingkat kriminalitas tak terkendali, oleh sebab itu bandara menggunakan mesin pendukung dengan teknologi Xray atau biasa disebut dengan mesin Sinar-X. Mesin xray (sinar-X) berperan membantu serta memaksimalkan kinerja petugas keamanan bandara , seperti berita tentang kemanan bandara yang dikutip dari surat kabar vivanews.

Menjelang hari raya Lebaran, Bandara Soekarno Hatta, Tangerang Banten, menambah fasilitas xray untuk mengantisipasi ledakan penumpang yang menimbulkan antrean penumpang yang akan berangkat maupun tiba. Petugas memasang enam mesin xray baru di terminal satu Bandara Soekarno Hatta, untuk memperketat serta mengantisipasi antrean panjang para penumpang pesawat.

Sementara itu, Humas Angkasa Pura Dua, Sutrisno mengatakan, penambahan mesin xray untuk melakukan antispasi hal-hal yang tidak diinginkan. Selain itu juga untuk upaya peningkatan pengamanan kawasan bandara. "Untuk meng-antisipasi barang bawaan penumpang yang membahayakan," ujar Sutrisno. Diperkirakan ribuan calon penumpang akan memadati Bandara Soekarno Hatta pada puncak arus mudik. Kenaikan penumpang terjadi sekitar 15 persen dari jumlah kenaikan pada tahun lalu yang hanya 10 persen.”

Berita tersebut merupakan bentuk peningkatan keamanan di lingkungan bandara dengan bantuan mesin Xray (sinar-X). Xray bandara sangat bermanfaat untuk membantu mengoptimalkan tingkat penjaga dan kemanan lingkungan bandara sehingga berpotensi untuk  menghentikan tindak kriminalitas dan modus-modus kejahatan lainnya di lingkungan bandara dapat tercapai.

Banyak orang yang berdatangan dan berpergian sehingga xray bandara sangat berperan penting untuk menganalisa pada pintu masuk atau keluar dari bandara agar terwujudnya keamanan bandara dapat menggunakan mesin Xray Garrett PD 6500 i, sedangkan untuk barang-barang bagasi atau sebagainya pihak bandara dapat menggunakan mesin Baggage Inspection untuk memaksimalkan kemanan dan kinerja para petugas bandara. 
sumber : http://xrayindonesia.com/article/detail/31/mesin-xray-memperkuat-sistem-keamanan-bandara

Komponen-Komponen Pada Metal Detector

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Metal detector merupakan sebuah instrument elektronik yang memanfaatkan mekanisme elektromagnetik untuk melacak kandungan metal pada sebuah objek. Umumnya metal detector terdiri dari 3 komponen utama, yaitu:
  1. Transmitter coil.
  2. Receiver coil.
  3. Standard wave analyzer.

Transmitter coil merupakan sebuah kumparan yang berfungsi sebagai penghasil atau pemancar gelombang elektromagnetik, karena berdasarkan prinsip dasar elektromagnetik yaitu “Saat kumparan diberi tegangan AC (alternating Current), maka pada kumparan tersebut akan timbul medan magnet”. Gelombang elektromagnet ini nantinya akan diterima oleh receiver coil yang diletakkan di dekat transmitter coil antara transmitter dan receiver, nantinya akan diberi ruang untuk melewati objek yang akan diuji kandungan metalnya.

Jika benda logam melewati metal detector, maka gelombang yang ada menjadi terganggu dan standard wave analyzer akan memberitahukan bahwa ada ketidakseimbangan gelombang. Fungsi standar wave analyzer disini yaitu sebagai regulasi induksi gelombang elektromagnetik antara transmitter coil dan receiver coil. Standar wave analyzer ini terhubung ke control unit yang nantinya akan mengontrol sistem yang ada pada metal detector seperti bunyi alarm, mengaktifkan lampu indicator, menghentikan atau membalik putaran motor, memisahkan objek yang terdeteksi mengandung metal pada conveyor belt metal detector. Untuk lebih jelasnya, mekanisme kerja metal detector dapat dilihat pada ilustrasi berikut:

Gambar 1. Illustrasi mekanisme kerja metal detector

Pengaplikasian metal detector saat ini sangatlah luas, misalnya saja untuk sistem keamanan, arkeolog, untuk industri (untuk quality control), dll. Untuk sistem keamanan mungkin sudah sering kita lihat di bandara dan tempat-tempat penting lainnya.

Untuk aplikasi di industri contohnya pada industri makanan, farmasi, textile, garment, kimia, plastik, dan industri pengepakkan. Metal detector untuk industri ini disebut dengan istilah industrial metal detector. Contoh penggunaan metal detector pada industri makanan misalnya, kontaminasi makanan oleh pecahan logam dari mesin pengolahan yang rusak selama proses manufaktur adalah masalah keamanan utama dalam industri makanan. Untuk itu perlu dilakukan quality control dengan menggunakan metal detector sebelum makanan tersebut dikemas. Detektor logam untuk tujuan ini banyak digunakan dan diintegrasikan ke dalam line produksi.

Itulah sebabnya mengapa metal detector perlu dipasang pada industri-industri yang memproduksi bahan makanan atau pengolahan makanan. Bila anda berkecimpung di bidang ini, pastikan produk anda aman untuk dikonsumsi, dengan memasang metal detector di pabrik anda. Dan bila anda konsumen produk makanan, pastikan anda hanya membeli produk yang telah mengaplikasikan HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point), yang salah satu persyaratannya adalah memiliki industrial metal detector.

Praktek saat ini di pabrik industri garment atau pakaian jadi untuk menerapkan pendeteksian logam setelah pakaian yang benar-benar dijahit dan sebelum pakaian dikemas, terlebih dahulu diperiksa apakah ada kontaminasi logam (jarum, jarum patah, dll) dalam pakaian. Hal ini perlu dilakukan untuk alasan keamanan.

EI-100100M Mobile X-ray Security Inspection Equipment

Order Detail
EI-100100M is a comprehensive mobile inspection system that provides on-the-go detection capability for all security environments.


Technology Features

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgFlexible, mobile x-ray security inspection equipment

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgIntegrated with EI-100100

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgStable and superior performance

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgHigh resolution and penetration

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgComfortable internal working condition

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgEasy for the passengers and high inspection efficiency


Airport, Checkpoint, Border crossing, Venues, Tourist Places, Bus Station

Cabinet X-ray inspection General Specification

Tunnel Size.............................1010 mm(W)× 1010 mm(H)
Conveyor Speed......................0.2m/s
Film Safety...............................Film Safety ISO 1600 Film
X-Ray Leakage........................Compliant with international standards
Max. Load................................200kg

EI-10080 Multi-Energy X-ray Security Inspection System

Order Detail

The EI-10080 Multi-Energy X-ray Security Inspection System is designed to meet the needs and applications of airports, customs facilities, transportation operations, carriers, parcel services or wherever high security and total screening is required.


Main Features

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgHigh-precision X-ray detector, making the image more clearly

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgWorld’s leading pure digital, large scale analog components results in high-speed parallel data acquisition

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgBig tunnel design, coupled with the operator authorization control, real time status information, statistical reports and multiple user-friendly configurations

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgAdvanced image processing platform, providing strong functionality to the operator

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgAdopt Building Block design, brings conveniences for functions updates and modifies

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgMeet all the applicable laws and regulations with respectable X-ray emitting devices

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgPenetration, resolution and other key technical specifications have reached or exceeded the Chinese national standard GB15208-2005

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgDesigned for railway, airport, custom, port and other critical areas

General Specifications

Tunnel Size..............................1010 mm(W)× 810 mm(H)
Conveyor Speed......................0.2m/s
Conveyor Height......................295mm
Max. Load................................200 kg(Evenly distributed)
Image resolution......................17’’LCD 1280×1024

System Functions

Date & Time Display, Luggage Counting, System Working Timing, X-Ray Emission,Working Status Display, User Management, Fault Self-diagnosis and Maintenance Functions, Alarm Function, Urgent Stop, Limits of Authority Management for Operator,Self-check Power-On, Image Magnification Display, Save and Retrieval, Image Navigation,Bi-directional Scanning, Image Recognition Training, Network Interface,Browse, One Key to Shutdown, Save As, Plication.

Optional Features

High Density Area Alarm, Black Box, TIP Threat Image Projection, X-Auto Sight ContrabandAuxiliary Recognition System, OTP Operator Training Program, Environment Protection and Energy Saving.

EI-100100 Multi-energy X-ray Security Inspection Equipment

Order Detail
EI-100100 Multi-energy X-ray Security Inspection Equipment has made remarkable contribution to Eastimage’s market, as it is widely used in international events and airports.-


Technology features

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgShiny clear images; High-resolution

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgMulti-energy penetration system

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgMulti-functions image processing system

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgEI-TIP(Threat Image Projection) function

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgAny selection of the image magnified area

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgCollection the high-speed parallel of detection data

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgRemovable structure with independent console

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgSupport JPG&BMP image transformation format to USB

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgBig tunnel design with multi-function operator interface

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgPortable separate structural design, equipped with independent operator’s desk

General Specifications

Tunnel Size..............................1010 mm(W)× 1010 mm(H)
Conveyor Speed......................0.2m/s
Conveyor Height......................300mm
Max. Load................................200 kg(Evenly distributed)
Image resolution......................17’’LCD 1280×1024

Optional Features

High Density Area Alarm, Black Box, TIP Threat Image Projection, X-Auto Sight ContrabandAuxiliary Recognition System, OTP Operator Training Program, One Key to Shutdown, Environment Protection and Energy Saving.

EI-V10080 Multi-energy X-ray Security Inspection Equipment

Order Detail
The x-ray Beam direction of EI-V10080 Multi-energy X-ray Security Inspection Equipment is bottom up, which will make images sharp and clear.


Main Features

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgHigh-precision X-ray detector, making the image more clearly

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgWorld’s leading pure digital, large scale analog components results in high-speed parallel data acquisition

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgBig tunnel design, coupled with the operator authorization control, real time status information, statistical reports and multiple user-friendly configurations

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgAdvanced image processing platform, providing strong functionality to the operator

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgAdopt Building Block design, brings conveniences for functions updates and modifies

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgMeet all the applicable laws and regulations with respectable X-ray emitting devices

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgPenetration, resolution and other key technical specifications have reached or exceeded the Chinese national standard GB15208-2005


Civil aviation; Highway; port; Railway; Custom etc

General Specifications

Tunnel Size..............................1010 mm(W)× 810 mm(H)
Conveyor Speed......................0.2m/s
Conveyor Height......................692mm
Max. Load................................200 kg(Evenly distributed)
Image resolution......................17’’LCD 1280×1024

System Functions

Date & Time Display, Luggage Counting, System Working Timing, X-Ray Emission, Working Status Display, User Management, Fault Self-diagnosis and Maintenance Functions, Alarm Function, Urgent Stop, Limits of Authority Management for Operator, Self-check Power-On, Image Magnification Display, Save and Retrieval, Image Navigation, Bi-directional Scanning, Image Recognition Training, Network Interface, Browse, Save As, Plication.

Optional Features

High Density Area Alarm, Black Box, TIP Threat Image Projection, X-Auto Sight ContrabandAuxiliary Recognition System, OTP Operator Training Program, One Key to Shutdown, Environment Protection and Energy Saving.

EI-V150150 Multi-energy X-ray Security Inspection Equipment

Order Detail
EI-V150150 Multi-energy X-ray Security Inspection systems has been specially designed to meet the needs and applications of warehouses, carriers, forwarders and couriers for airports that inspection for bulky parcels, heavy luggage, bulky goods etc. is required.


Main Features

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgDesigned for large baggage, aviation pallet cargo and customs security check; can be widely used in airports, stations, customs, ports and warehouses, etc

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgSide X-ray generator installed, lower X-ray energy attenuation, clearer image

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgBuilt-in various image processing algorithms, multiple image transformation

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpg3 level authority management, easy access to the menu; menu items activated according to the authority level

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgBottom screen status bar displays: miniature image navigation, total work time, X-ray emission time, baggage counting, X-ray source status, malfunction hint, operator ID, date and time

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgBuilt-in auto self-diagnostic capability, any failure or problem will be monitored and reported

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgOperation log recording, providing complete information for rapid diagnosis and maintenance

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgVarious statistics reports provide the necessary auxiliary information for management analysis and decision making

General Specifications

Tunnel Size..............................1500mm(W)× 1505 mm(H)
Conveyor Speed......................0.2m/s
Conveyor Height......................350mm
Max. Load................................2000 kg(Evenly distributed)
Image resolution......................22’’LCD 1920×1080

Optional Features

High Density Area Alarm, TIP Threat Image Projection, X-Auto Sight ContrabandAuxiliary Recognition System, OTP Operator Training Program, One Key to Shutdown, Environment Protection and Energy Saving.

EI-10080G Multi Energy High Throughput X-ray Security Detection Equipment

Order Detail
EI-10080G Multi energy high throughput X-ray Security detection equipment is a new product designed by Eastimage, which can quickly detect the items like luggage, mail and cargo. You can turn it into 0.4m/s when there is high throughput; and you can change it to 0.2m/s in normal times. It is ideal for transportation system, port and custom where always need to detect large quantity of items.


Main Features

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgTwo optional speeds (0.2m/s and 0.4m/s) and proprietary image technology,improves efficiency by 2x or more while maintaining image quality

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgEquipped with High-precision X-ray detectors, making images sharp and clear

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgWorld’s leading pure digital, large scale analog components results in high-speed parallel data acquisition

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgBig tunnel design, coupled with the operator authorization control, real time status information, statistical reports and multiple user-friendly configurations

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgPortable separate structural design, equipped with independent operator’s desk

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgDual monitor configuration, displaying both black and white images and color images, advanced image processing platform, providing strong functionality to the operator

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgModular design makes it available for future extension

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgMeet all the applicable laws and regulations with respectable X-ray emitting devices

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgPenetration, resolution and other key technical specifications have reached or exceeded the Chinese national standard GB15208-2005

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgDesigned for transportation system where high throughput luggage security check is required

General Specifications

Tunnel Size..............................1010 mm(W)×810 mm(H)
Conveyor Speed......................0.2m/s、0.4m/s
Conveyor Height......................310mm
Max. Load................................200 kg(Evenly distributed)

EI-V150180 Multi-energy high throughput X-ray Security detection Equipment

Order Detail
EI-V150180 Multi-energy X-ray Security detection Equipment has the biggest tunnel dimension, which is able to deal with high throughput Security detection for railway, airport, customs, port warehouses, carriers, forwarders etc.

 Technology features

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgShiny clear images; High-resolution

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgMulti-energy penetration system

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgMulti-functions image processing system

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgEI-TIP(Threat Image Projection) function

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgAny selection of the image magnified area

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgCollection the high-speed parallel of detection data

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgRemovable structure with independent console

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgSupport JPG&BMP image transformation format to USB

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgBig tunnel design with multi-function operator interface

Description: http://www.eastimagesecurity.com/images/bulesj.jpgPortable separate structural design, equipped with independent operator’s desk

General Specifications

Tunnel Size..............................1550 mm(W)× 1810 mm(H)
Conveyor Speed......................0.2m/s
Conveyor Height......................350mm
Max. Load................................2000 kg(Evenly distributed)
Image resolution......................22’’LCD 1920×1080

Optional Features

High Density Area Alarm, TIP Threat Image Projection, X-Auto Sight ContrabandAuxiliary Recognition System, OTP Operator Training Program, One Key to Shutdown, Environment Protection and Energy Saving.

EI-V100100 Multi-energy X-ray Cargo Inspection Equipment

Order Detail
EI-V100100 multi-energy X-ray security inspection equipment is able to detect the organic, inorganic, mixtures or light metals quickly and precisely according to the effective atomic number of detected objects. It has reasonable user-friendly design by simple and high efficient operation. It is applied to check baggage, parcel and cargo to troubleshoot danger.


Technology Features
1. Multi-Energy penetration system
2. New x-ray protection technology
3. Multi-functions image processing system
4. EI-TIP( Threat Image Projection) function
5. Shiny clear images
6. Any selection of the image magnified area
7. Collection the high-speed parallel of detection data
8. Removable split structure with independent console
9. Big tunnel design with multi-functions operator interface
10. Support JPG&BMP image transformation format to USB


Transport System, Logistics Industry, Airports, Public Places, Government Office, Border Crossing

General Specifications

Tunnel Size..............................1010 mm(W) ×1010 mm(H)
Conveyor Speed......................0.2m/s
Conveyor Height......................774mm
Max. Load................................200kg(Evenly distributed)
System noise.............................<65dB(A)
Resolution................................Typical: 40AWG Standard: 38AWG
Penetration (steel)....................Typical: 32mm Standard: 30mm
Spatial Resolution…………….Horizontal: Φ1.0mm Vertical: Φ1.0mm
Image resolution.......................19’’LCD color display
Size /weight.....................3582mm(L) x 1350 mm (W) x 1968mm(H) /1200KG
Working Temperature / Humidity.....0℃~+ 45℃/20%~95% (non-condensing)
Storage Temperature / Humidity......- 40℃~+ 60℃/20%~95% (non-condensing)
Power Supply................................AC 220 V(+10%~-15%) 50±3(Hz)
Power Consumption……………...About 0.48(KVA)

System Functions

Date & Time Display, Luggage Counting, System Working Timing, X-Ray Emission, Working Status Display, User Management, Fault Self-diagnosis and Maintenance Functions, Alarm Function, Urgent Stop, Limits of Authority Management for Operator, Self-check Power-on, Image Magnification Display, Save and Retrieval, Image Navigation, Bi-directional scanning, Image Recognition Training, Network Interface, Browse, Save As, one-key Shutdown, Ultra-thin Scanning.

Optional Functions

High Density Alarm, Black Box, TIP, X-Auto Sight, OTP and Energy Saving.


EI-100120S X-ray Security Baggage Scanner

Order Detail
EI-100120S multi-energy X-ray security inspection equipment is able to detect the organic, inorganic, mixtures or light metals quickly and precisely according to the effective atomic number of detected objects. It has reasonable user-friendly design by simple and high efficient operation. Eastimage provides a completely intelligent and safety inspection system for customers.


Technology Features

1. Multi-Energy penetration system
2. New x-ray protection technology
3. Multi-functions image processing system
4. EI-TIP( Threat Image Projection) function
5. Shiny clear images
6. Any selection of the image magnified area
7. Collection the high-speed parallel of detection data
8. Removable split structure with independent console
9. Sophisticated design with multi-functions operator interface
10. Support JPG&BMP image transformation format to USB


Transport System, Logistics Industry, Airports, Public Places, Government Office, Border Crossing

General Specifications

Tunnel Size..............................1020 mm(W)×1313 mm(H)
Conveyor Speed......................0.2m/s
Conveyor Height......................302mm
Image resolution.......................22’’LCD color display
Size.....................4226mm(L)x 1875 mm (W)x 1910 mm(H)
Working Temperature / Humidity.....0℃~+ 45℃/20%~95%(non-condensing)
Storage Temperature / Humidity......- 40℃~+ 60℃/20%~95%(non-condensing)
Power Supply................................AC 220 V(+10%~-15%) 50±3(Hz)
Power Consumption……………...About 0.50(KVA)

System Functions

Date & Time Display, Luggage Counting, System Working Timing, X-Ray Emission, Working Status Display, User Management, Fault Self-diagnosis and Maintenance Functions, Alarm Function, Urgent Stop, Limits of Authority Management for Operator, Self-check Power-on, Image Magnification Display, Save and Retrieval, Image Navigation, Bi-directional scanning, Image Recognition Training, Network Interface, Browse, Save As, one-key Shutdown, Ultra-thin Scanning.

Optional Functions

High Density Alarm, Black Box, TIP, X-Auto Sight, OTP and Energy Saving.

EI-10080DV Dual View Multi-energy X-ray Luggage Scanner

Order Detail

Product Instruction

EI-10080DV is a new product of dual view x-ray security inspection equipment. It can display horizontal and vertical images by two independent generators, and can quickly detect organic, inorganic, mixtures or light metals according to the effective atomic number of detected objects, which can identify overlapping articles and contraband easily and precisely.

Technology Features

1. Dual view design; display horizontal and vertical images simultaneously; identify overlapping articles and contraband easily and precisely.
2. New x-ray protection technology
3. Multi-functions image processing system
4. EI-TIP( Threat Image Projection) function
5. Shiny clear images
6. Any selection of the image magnified area
7. Collect the high-speed parallel of detection data
8. Removable split structure with independent console
9. Big tunnel design with multi-functions operator interface
10. Support JPG&BMP image transformation format to USB

Civil aviation, Highway system, Railway system, Metro transportation, Logistics, Customs ports, Government departments, Convention centers, Public places

General Specifications

Tunnel Size..............................1010 mm(W)×810 mm(H)
Conveyor Speed......................0.2m/s
Conveyor Height......................295mm
Image resolution.......................17''LCD 1280×1024
Size..........................................3800mm(L)x 1700 mm (W)x 1685 mm(H)
Working Temperature / Humidity.....0℃~+ 45℃/20%~95% (non-condensing)
Storage Temperature / Humidity......- 40℃~+ 60℃/20%~95% (non-condensing)
Power Supply................................AC 220 V(+10%~-15%) 50±3(Hz)

System Functions

Date & Time Display, Luggage Counting, System Working Timing, X-Ray Emission, Working Status Display, User Management, Fault Self-diagnosis and Maintenance Functions, Alarm Function, Urgent Stop, Limits of Authority Management for Operator, Self-check Power-on, Image Magnification Display, Save and Retrieval, Image Navigation, Bi-directional scanning, Image Recognition Training, Network Interface, Browse, Save As, Ultra-thin scanning, One-key Shutdown.

Optional Functions

High Density Alarm, Black Box, TIP, X-auto sight, OTP, Energy Saving.

Safety Standard

Comply with the Chinese national standard GB15208.1-2005

High Sensitivity X-ray Inspection

Order Detail
The online X-ray inspection which is against to the bone(such as fish bone and chicken bone) mixed in the product.

TXR-4080F X-ray Inspection

1 Special image processing algorithms, tiny fish bones also can be clearly shown

2 External high-definition screen, ensure the identifiability of fish bone  

Xray Inspection System for Food

Order Detail
(1) X ray Inspection System
(2) Independent-Developed and High Performance X-ray Inspection system

TXR X ray Inspection System


TXR X-ray Inspection system adopted to detect the contaminants in the food, including the metal , glass, ceramic, stone, bone, hard rubber, had plastic and so on, at the same time, it also has the function to detect the product defect, such as the packaging crack, bubble, content defects etc. to achieve the complete finished product detection


–Superior Performance to achieve the complete finished product detection

–Excellent automatic detection capability to achieve the minimun error rate of the rejecting

–Professional security design to achieve the innocuous high-accuracy detection

–Simple and convenient touch-screen control to achieve efficient operations

–Perfect data management system to achieve the easy saving of the product and image record

Highest Sensitivity Food X-ray Inspection System

Order Detail

A full-range inspection of contaminants including metal, non-metal such as glass, ceramic, stone, bone, hard rubber, hard plasti

TXR X ray Inspection System


TXR X-ray Inspection system adopted to detect the contaminants in the food, including the metal , glass, ceramic, stone, bone, hard rubber, had plastic and so on, at the same time, it also has the function to detect the product defect, such as the packaging crack, bubble, content defects etc. to achieve the complete finished product detection


–Superior Performance to achieve the complete finished product detection

–Excellent automatic detection capability to achieve the minimun error rate of the rejecting

–Professional security design to achieve the innocuous high-accuracy detection

–Simple and convenient touch-screen control to achieve efficient operations

–Perfect data management system to achieve the easy saving of the product and image record

X-ray Inspection Equipment

Order Detail
(1) X-ray Inspection System
(2) Independent-Developed and High Performance X-ray Inspection system

TXR X-ray Inspection System


TXR X-ray Inspection system adopted to detect the contaminants in the food, including the metal , glass, ceramic, stone, bone, hard rubber, had plastic and so on, at the same time, it also has the function to detect the product defect, such as the packaging crack, bubble, content defects etc. to achieve the complete finished product detection


–Superior Performance to achieve the complete finished product detection

–Excellent automatic detection capability to achieve the minimun error rate of the rejecting

–Professional security design to achieve the innocuous high-accuracy detection

–Simple and convenient touch-screen control to achieve efficient operations

–Perfect data management system to achieve the easy saving of the product and image record

TXR Xray Inspection System

Order Detail

(1) Xray Inspection System
(2) Independent-Developed and High Performance Xray Inspection system

TXR Xray Inspection System


TXR Xray Inspection system adopted to detect the contaminants in the food, including the metal , glass, ceramic, stone, bone, hard rubber, had plastic and so on, at the same time, it also has the function to detect the product defect, such as the packaging crack, bubble, content defects etc. to achieve the complete finished product detection


–Superior Performance to achieve the complete finished product detection

–Excellent automatic detection capability to achieve the minimun error rate of the rejecting

–Professional security design to achieve the innocuous high-accuracy detection

–Simple and convenient touch-screen control to achieve efficient operations

–Perfect data management system to achieve the easy saving of the product and image record

X-ray Inspection System for Product in Bulk

Order Detail
(1) X ray Inspection System
(2) Independent-Developed and High Performance X-ray Inspection system

TXR X ray Inspection System

TXR X-ray Inspection system adopted to detect the contaminants in the food, including the metal , glass, ceramic, stone, bone, hard rubber, had plastic and so on, at the same time, it also has the function to detect the product defect, such as the packaging crack, bubble, content defects etc. to achieve the complete finished product detection

–Superior Performance to achieve the complete finished product detection

–Excellent automatic detection capability to achieve the minimun error rate of the rejecting

–Professional security design to achieve the innocuous high-accuracy detection

–Simple and convenient touch-screen control to achieve efficient operations

–Perfect data management system to achieve the easy saving of the product and image record
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